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I would love to try a threesome now but I want it to be my husband, me and another woman. Trouble is we don't have the same taste in women. There are very few women that we both find attractive so finding a suitable woman would be difficult. There's also the jealousy issue. We don't practice spouse swapping and I really don't like to share. As much as I think I would be okay with another woman having sex with my husband, and me, I don't know if jealousy would rear it's ugly head or not. I've done the casual friends with benefits thing and would have been fine sharing then. But my husband is the first man I've truly loved.
Still, the idea intrigues and arouses me. So much so that just the thought of sharing a bed with my husband and another woman has me jumping his bones. I wonder if one day we'll get to the point where a threesome is a viable option for us. We have discussed it before but it's never gone past the discussion phase because of that different taste in women thing. Maybe that's why I write a cheating husbands series where the wife takes part. I can live the fantasy through my stories for now until (if) it happens in real life.
Would you share? Have you participated in a threesome? Would you do it again?
Serena, yes I have participated in a threesome. It happened with a woman I worked with. We had been flirting for months and things just kept heating up. We wanted each other so bad neither of us could breath. But she kept saying no because she didn't want to cheat on her husband. One day she came to work and during our lunch break she as if I would like to have a threesome with her and her husband. I was floored. How did this happen? She told her husband that she wanted to sleep with me but wouldn't because of him. However she suggested to him that he could let us have sex and he could watch as this was his fantasy of watching his wife have sex with another man. He finally said yes but only if he could join in. So now it was up to me, Finally I said yes and it happened several times. It was great. So don't give up, this happened when I was about 50, she was 35 and her husband 37. Thanks for listening, Willie