If you look up flirt in the dictionary you'll find a definition something like "to behave amorously without serious intent.
Based on that definition is flirting with other people, when you are in a committed relationship, cheating? I've seen this question on Facebook and it got lots of comments, a lot of them heated, from the people who believe flirting is definitely cheating. But let's look at the definition of cheating: "to be sexually unfaithful". And what about unfaithful? "Not adhering to vows, allegiance or duty, not faithful to marriage vows".
Based on definitions alone and if the flirting stays in the behaving amorously without serious intent I would say flirting is not cheating. As long as it stays in the words, body language and gestures camp. Once it gets physical - actual sexual contact - it is no longer flirting. But I think it also depends on the rules of the relationship. If you both agree what's acceptable and what isn't and you both adhere to those rules of the relationship there should be no jealousy. My husband and I are both flirts. And we're both okay with the other one flirting. As long as that's as far as it goes. Even though I write cheating erotica doesn't mean I condone it.
I think flirting is fun and can be good for a healthy relationship. My husband still tells me I'm sexy and that he loves me. But it's nice to flirt with other people and have them flirt back. It makes me feel attractive and desirable to others. That boosts my confidence and makes me more amorous at home. :)
What do you think? Is flirting good? Bad?
ahh Serena, i am so on the same page as you, and of course your husband. If he's like me he likes to see that glow when you ego.self validation and just plain fun gives you a glow. people as so sexually repressed they miss so much innocent fun. we're wired that way. so many people have had that wiring tinkered with by family, religion, moralists, etc. we didn't come shipped that way as so much of man/woman gets altered with out their knowledge or control. Great explanation!